Monday, August 07, 2006

It has happened... I'm now officially 60 :-)

Sixty years ago in a small rural American village, Argos, Indiana I took my first breath. The first of three to be born to Betty and August. Sixty years later and I live in a small rural English village, married for the second time. I have a son from my first marriage, Eric, 31, who recently made me a grandpa, and a daughter, Alana, 7, and a son, Ronan, 4

In between I've lead an actually very good life, with no regrets (a few mistakes but nothing I haven't learned from). Now with 40 years to go before I try it on the other side I'm going to explore what it takes to bring real peace to this existence I have. And hopefully those you reading this will want to join me.

We are living in great and terrible times depending upon your point of view. Death and destruction, or the end of Hate and violence? The dawning of the age of Peace?

I've been reading papers and posts written, about the state of the world and avoiding comments. Now I’m going to comment.

It's usually sort of like not seeing the trees because of the forest for me. I can get so irate, and PO’d with the injustices of the Western & Eastern governments and their ilk, THE great believers in that MIGHT makes RIGHT, that I can’t think straight.

And after taking some time to look at it all I've come to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is the total collapse of American imperialism and anyone else involved with America on either side.

Great (depending upon your interpretation of Great) Empires - Roman, Britain, USSR, etc. all have collapsed because they couldn't support their own weight of being RIGHT and knowing what was best for everyone else. Along the way many suffered because of it. And now many more are as well.

In my opinion, we are seeing the final struggle of America, her allies, and foes to save themselves and their BS (belief systems) about what is right for the world, or rather what is right for them.

The final struggle of a dying demigod is always vicious, they know but refuse to know that it's over - one final jab, one final lashing out to save themselves.

Like the unions in America, a now dying breed fighting desperately to hang on, when there is no real need for their kind.

I see those in power and in the "know" are now doing what they can to get all the riches they can to isolate themselves from the final fall.

The average "Joe & Mary" at home, and the poor grunts fighting the war have to be fed constantly with mind numbing propaganda, games, booze, and other distractions.

Nero did this, the Commies did/do it, and all nations do it, some better than others. Everyone that wants to hide what they're doing does it.

The Emperor is naked, but the press is avoiding the issue - give'em dirty laundry, film at 11. GOD! Do we love the dirt!

The media's focus is on the carnage because that sells papers and adverts - tabloids are having a field day. The wanton media will turn on the source of this carnage as soon as death and destruction becomes common place.

Then the imperialistic dogs will turn on each other. Blame will fall fast and furious, and who will the victor be? As in a murder mystery look for the one you least expect. What country is now sitting back, waiting for the right moment? China? Maybe.

The only joy I see for those dead and dying is that they are free now of all BS (the other kind) that is part of being earthly.

And this may be the start of the 3000 years of peace as once was predicted. The silver lining.

So I no longer meditate on war, but rather peace. People are dying, but is death so bad? We should grieve for those left behind.

Let's look to the peace that's available for all of us, and if we work on doing that, and as hard as it is to ignore the bombs falling around us, we and peace will prevail - for us, our children, and their children.

Share your peace thoughts with others, and if they reject you, smile and leave what peace you can, and move on to another. The dogs of war (no matter what country or religion, as they are one and the same) don't want this. They don't want news spreading that peace loving people are all the same, that we won't buy into their BS (both kinds) that war is necessary to make peace. Peace make peace.

Let's stop wondering why there is death and destruction, rather let's focus on what we can do to make peace happen. Hate breeds because we give it credence, bite your tongue, reach out to others and speak peace - forgive and forget. Say you're sorry, even if you're not wrong.

There is a growing number of soldiers on both sides that are sick of the slaughter, they're beginning to question the morality of the "Cause".

Some are refusing to fight, others refuse to serve and are taking court martials and dishonourable discharges instead. This is happening in America, Israel, Britain and other countries. Let’s show them OUR support.

Mullahs', Rabbi's, Christian ministers, are locking arms and leading their congregations against the madness. Let’s join them.

This state of emergency the world is in is not about a bad religion or a bad government, it’s about MURDERERS of the innocent on both sides - plain and simple. If you must blame, then blame the Murderers only.

Why is it when a Christian kills, we don’t blame or suspect all Christians? Or Christianity itself? God knows many have died in its name.

It's time to lay down arms in all camps, forgive and forget what trespasses there have been.

This is the only way we can honour those that have died on all sides, especially the innocent.

A mind with hate or suspicions of hate cannot harbour peace. Drive out the hate with thoughts and actions of peace. Blog about peace, email about peace, talk peace, and live peace. "All we are saying is give peace a chance..."

Peace is contagious, spread it.



At 9:14 PM, Blogger Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I knew those smug baby boomers would get their own some day! :)

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Eolake Stobblehouse said...

When the light is brightest, the shadows seem darkest.

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry - you should consider a career as a screen writer. You certainly write 'more better' than most. As a long time Libertarian, and please remember we sign a pledge against the initiation of force. That has been on our application since the party started I think.
So, as I said before, I think it is going to be very interesting to see how the alignments go as this global craziness continues. Will the Hindu's and Buddists align with Russia/Soviet Union? Will Europe/England side with Isreal? Is it or will it come down to the muslims vs the rest of the world? Don't know. Nothing I can do about it. You choose to meditate and concentrate on peace - good for you. Charly and I are going to travel while we can around the states that once made up the United States in our trailer and enjoy however many years we have left. The US died many years ago but the various 'conflicts' that this government chose to get involved in over the years was/is a relatively small part of the collapase. If it were up to me to say what caused it - I'd say the loss of the word "NO", and the loss of our congresspeople from being able to read. But, hey, that's just me.
Thanks for the hat - "When I am declared King" I would bring all of our military people home, close and destroy all the bases they occupy around the world. I would seal our borders until the rest of the world killed each other off or whatever. Nobody in - no army out. Self defense only. Mind our own business only. Let the English drive on the wrong side of the road and talk funny. Let the French drink overpriced and not very good wine. Let the rest of the world do whatever it is they want to do. Of course, do not ask us for any support or money - did that - doing that - stop that. Three cheers for isolationism!
Traveling Bill

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm dad, I'm 30.


At 1:15 AM, Blogger Jerry said...

Only for another 3 months :-)

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Jerry said...

Thanks for reminding me of the Desiderata, a beautiful piece of work by Max Ehrmann in 1927. ANd can be found at

And for the trapped lesbian, I use to hang with lesbians in Vegas and one of them commented that I was a lesbian trapped in a man's body - I like the sound of it and it feels right. I was never one to sit and watch football (American or otherwise) with the guys, instead I went shopping with the "girls".

Some day I'd like to play a drag queen in a movie, so we'll see where my awspirations take me;-)

At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you have missed it completely. If at sixty you are still singing "We shall overcomne" you have shit for brains. The peasce you desire is an illusion. That is not what mankind is about. History proves that. So who do you want to triumpth in this world as it exists today. Countries that let you live your life out in peace or regimes like North Korea, Iran, etc. Instead of crying like a baby maybe you should be thankful you live in a civilization that allows your family and children to choose the life styles they want.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Jerry said...

Dear 'Sorry to burst your bubble'.

I can only imagine the anger you must have within you to be able to tell a stranger (me) that they have 'shit for brains' because they believe in peace, and want peace for everyone.

I can only assume that you're not old enough to have experienced the devastation of what anger can do, or the aftermath of that anger.

Perhaps you've never held the hand of a dead child, whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Perhaps you've never removed the flight suit of a dead military pilot to prepare his body for transport home to his grieving widow and child.

If you would please, I'd like you to go to a veterans hospital, or any military hospital that cares for ex-soldiers from Vietnam, and recent 'wars' and ask them about the history of mankind, for you see they have written and lived the history you speak of.

Ask them if it was all worth it to see their buddies, mutilated, dead or dying, the devastation that their weapons brought to a village of farmers. What it was like to walk over the bodies of people, some dead, and others reaching out for help, and not being able to stop and help. To have enforced a religious or political ideology on others because someone told them it was the democratic way, that it was necessary to kill a ‘commie’ or ‘towel head’ for Christ.

To force themselves to go against everything they were taught as children - to be good, to not hurt anyone, to help one another, that everyone is equal. To learn to devalue the life, the thoughts, of another person because they have “shit for brains’. To be taught that the only people that don’t have ‘shit for brains’ are your leaders, and if you don’t listen to and obey them then you have ‘shit for brains’.

And from the standpoint of the military that is totally necessary during an illegal war, otherwise how do you get a young pilot to bomb, or strafe a village, or a young man or woman to put a gun to a child, woman, or old man and blow their ‘shit for brains’ out at point blank range? Or to use them as target practice? To laugh and rape a woman or young girl because she too has ‘shit for brains’?

And this doesn’t stop with the military. As it is vital that anyone wishing to succeed in controlling what someone else thinks and does sees the other person as being inferior. Terrorist do it, gangs do it, some corporations do it, some families do it, and some others believe that anyone that doesn't agree with them has ‘shit for brains’.

BTW if you do go to a veteran hospital, be aware that the true soldiers doesn't brag about what s/he did in the ‘war’, they’d just rather not talk about it.

I’m not against defending my country against an aggressor, but I am against being the aggressor and forcing others to believe the way I do, just because I perceive it as my God given duty to do so...or it’s more economically beneficial to do so. Or because it benefits my ego.

I’ve read that over $150 billion has been spent on the ‘war’, and that it continues at a billion a week. Think of what $150 + billion could buy to secure peace. Enough food to feed the world’s hungry, bring up health conditions for the poor of the world, educate millions to have jobs or careers to care for themselves and their families.

Now think about it if you were a member of that poor country and a great nation wanting unselfish peace came in to your country and did all that for you and your neighbors. How likely would you be willing to bite the hand that feeds you? How willing would you be to continue listening to politicians or pseudo-religious leaders that have kept you in poverty and suffering? I’d be willing to stake my life on it that you’d soon turn away from the hate mongers, and embrace peace.

And yes peace is an illusion, but then again so is believing that we’re doomed to repeat history. Illusions become reality when we chose to make them so. Your choice.

And I do believe we shall overcome... And I’m thankful that I live in a civilization that allows my family and children to choose the life styles they want, but I’m not thankful that that civilization feels it can impose those values on others through illegal aggression. And I’m thankful that you’ve felt enough passion to tell me that I have ‘shit for brains’, it shows me that I’m on the right track.

So please do count me in as having ‘shit for brains’.

Below is the Desiderata, I hope you’ll read it, and maybe one day come to understand that Peace is the only answer, and that it is better than war.

Thank you for your comments.



Max Ehrmann


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.


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