Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Happy Sunday

I was watching my four year old son, Ronan, today place another bug into an old birdhouse in our backyard. Several weeks ago he came to me with a dying pillbug and asked what he should do with it. I suggested that he just put it outside. He thought about it for several moments and then ran outside.

I watched him go to the old birdhouse and carefully place the bug in the opening. Then he happily traipsed back in. I asked him why he put the pillbug in the old birdhouse. He said, "I didn't want him to die alone, so I put him in with his friends." Now every time he finds a deceased or dying bug he puts it in the birdhouse.

I suppose there's a moral there, but I am very happy just knowing that the bugs are being taken care of, and that I've raised three kids very much alike. Not one of them would hurt a fly, and each one of them is a kind and loving person that will make this world a better place.

Thanks Eric, Alana, and Ronan for being you, and making your moms and me very proud of you.



At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry, talk about a proof to the pudding!
Wonderful to see such humanity
in one's own offspring.
It's an affirmation
to the value
of your example -
as well as a sign
that your children
are remarkably observative
of the adults they worship as gods.
Yes, a child views parents as gods
who can do no wrong, whose word is law
and whose will guides the universe.

Love the birdhouse -
even as a tomb for dying bugs
whose demise feeds the birds.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Jerry said...

Thank you, Zer, for such nice words.


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