Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Happy Sunday

I was watching my four year old son, Ronan, today place another bug into an old birdhouse in our backyard. Several weeks ago he came to me with a dying pillbug and asked what he should do with it. I suggested that he just put it outside. He thought about it for several moments and then ran outside.

I watched him go to the old birdhouse and carefully place the bug in the opening. Then he happily traipsed back in. I asked him why he put the pillbug in the old birdhouse. He said, "I didn't want him to die alone, so I put him in with his friends." Now every time he finds a deceased or dying bug he puts it in the birdhouse.

I suppose there's a moral there, but I am very happy just knowing that the bugs are being taken care of, and that I've raised three kids very much alike. Not one of them would hurt a fly, and each one of them is a kind and loving person that will make this world a better place.

Thanks Eric, Alana, and Ronan for being you, and making your moms and me very proud of you.


Monday, August 07, 2006

It has happened... I'm now officially 60 :-)

Sixty years ago in a small rural American village, Argos, Indiana I took my first breath. The first of three to be born to Betty and August. Sixty years later and I live in a small rural English village, married for the second time. I have a son from my first marriage, Eric, 31, who recently made me a grandpa, and a daughter, Alana, 7, and a son, Ronan, 4

In between I've lead an actually very good life, with no regrets (a few mistakes but nothing I haven't learned from). Now with 40 years to go before I try it on the other side I'm going to explore what it takes to bring real peace to this existence I have. And hopefully those you reading this will want to join me.

We are living in great and terrible times depending upon your point of view. Death and destruction, or the end of Hate and violence? The dawning of the age of Peace?

I've been reading papers and posts written, about the state of the world and avoiding comments. Now I’m going to comment.

It's usually sort of like not seeing the trees because of the forest for me. I can get so irate, and PO’d with the injustices of the Western & Eastern governments and their ilk, THE great believers in that MIGHT makes RIGHT, that I can’t think straight.

And after taking some time to look at it all I've come to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is the total collapse of American imperialism and anyone else involved with America on either side.

Great (depending upon your interpretation of Great) Empires - Roman, Britain, USSR, etc. all have collapsed because they couldn't support their own weight of being RIGHT and knowing what was best for everyone else. Along the way many suffered because of it. And now many more are as well.

In my opinion, we are seeing the final struggle of America, her allies, and foes to save themselves and their BS (belief systems) about what is right for the world, or rather what is right for them.

The final struggle of a dying demigod is always vicious, they know but refuse to know that it's over - one final jab, one final lashing out to save themselves.

Like the unions in America, a now dying breed fighting desperately to hang on, when there is no real need for their kind.

I see those in power and in the "know" are now doing what they can to get all the riches they can to isolate themselves from the final fall.

The average "Joe & Mary" at home, and the poor grunts fighting the war have to be fed constantly with mind numbing propaganda, games, booze, and other distractions.

Nero did this, the Commies did/do it, and all nations do it, some better than others. Everyone that wants to hide what they're doing does it.

The Emperor is naked, but the press is avoiding the issue - give'em dirty laundry, film at 11. GOD! Do we love the dirt!

The media's focus is on the carnage because that sells papers and adverts - tabloids are having a field day. The wanton media will turn on the source of this carnage as soon as death and destruction becomes common place.

Then the imperialistic dogs will turn on each other. Blame will fall fast and furious, and who will the victor be? As in a murder mystery look for the one you least expect. What country is now sitting back, waiting for the right moment? China? Maybe.

The only joy I see for those dead and dying is that they are free now of all BS (the other kind) that is part of being earthly.

And this may be the start of the 3000 years of peace as once was predicted. The silver lining.

So I no longer meditate on war, but rather peace. People are dying, but is death so bad? We should grieve for those left behind.

Let's look to the peace that's available for all of us, and if we work on doing that, and as hard as it is to ignore the bombs falling around us, we and peace will prevail - for us, our children, and their children.

Share your peace thoughts with others, and if they reject you, smile and leave what peace you can, and move on to another. The dogs of war (no matter what country or religion, as they are one and the same) don't want this. They don't want news spreading that peace loving people are all the same, that we won't buy into their BS (both kinds) that war is necessary to make peace. Peace make peace.

Let's stop wondering why there is death and destruction, rather let's focus on what we can do to make peace happen. Hate breeds because we give it credence, bite your tongue, reach out to others and speak peace - forgive and forget. Say you're sorry, even if you're not wrong.

There is a growing number of soldiers on both sides that are sick of the slaughter, they're beginning to question the morality of the "Cause".

Some are refusing to fight, others refuse to serve and are taking court martials and dishonourable discharges instead. This is happening in America, Israel, Britain and other countries. Let’s show them OUR support.

Mullahs', Rabbi's, Christian ministers, are locking arms and leading their congregations against the madness. Let’s join them.

This state of emergency the world is in is not about a bad religion or a bad government, it’s about MURDERERS of the innocent on both sides - plain and simple. If you must blame, then blame the Murderers only.

Why is it when a Christian kills, we don’t blame or suspect all Christians? Or Christianity itself? God knows many have died in its name.

It's time to lay down arms in all camps, forgive and forget what trespasses there have been.

This is the only way we can honour those that have died on all sides, especially the innocent.

A mind with hate or suspicions of hate cannot harbour peace. Drive out the hate with thoughts and actions of peace. Blog about peace, email about peace, talk peace, and live peace. "All we are saying is give peace a chance..."

Peace is contagious, spread it.
